
Get Folder Lock

To get a list of the current locks on a folder in Box, call the GET /folder_locks/ API with the id of the folder supplied as a folder_id query string parameter.

Locking File Box

Fireproof File Box with Lock, Document Box Storage Organizer, Suitable for Hanging File Folders in Letter Size, Collapsible File Box, Reflective Strip for Fast ...

My Lockbox

My Lockbox enables you to hide, lock and password protect almost any folder on your computer. You can use My Lockbox to hide your private data from prying ...

My Lockbox

My Lockbox is a privacy application, enabling you to hide and lock folders on your computer and protect them with password. The protected folder (lockbox) ...

My Lockbox

Download My Lockbox 4.4. An easy to set up software that allows users to hide sensitive files and folders from other users.

My Lockbox

2015年5月28日 — My Lockbox is a privacy application, enabling you to hide and lock folders on your computer and protect them with password. The protected folder ...

My Lockbox Download (2024 Latest)

2024年1月25日 — My Lockbox enables you to hide, lock and password protect almost any folder on your computer. You can use My Lockbox to hide your private ...

資料夾加密軟體《My Lockbox》設密碼還不夠,整個隱藏才安心

2009年9月2日 — 平常我們在家裡大部份的小孩還是很好命自己一個人一台,不需要和別人共用,不過也有很多人都是多人共用,特別像是在學.


TogetalistofthecurrentlocksonafolderinBox,calltheGET/folder_locks/APIwiththeidofthefoldersuppliedasafolder_idquerystringparameter.,FireproofFileBoxwithLock,DocumentBoxStorageOrganizer,SuitableforHangingFileFoldersinLetterSize,CollapsibleFileBox,ReflectiveStripforFast ...,MyLockboxenablesyoutohide,lockandpasswordprotectalmostanyfolderonyourcomputer.YoucanuseMyLockboxtohideyourprivatedatafrompry...

限時免費 ForceDelete 檔案無法刪除怎麼辦?

限時免費 ForceDelete 檔案無法刪除怎麼辦?


Folder Monitor - 資料夾監控,異動時發出通知

Folder Monitor - 資料夾監控,異動時發出通知
